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Can Dogs Eat French Toast or Is It a Health Risk?

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As a dog owners, we’ve always been curious about what’s safe to share with my furry friend when it comes to food. One morning, while making French toast, I wondered if I could give my dog a small piece as a treat. French toast is delicious, and it smells so good that even my canine companion can’t resist looking at me with those hopeful eyes. But is French toast safe for dogs? Let’s dive into the potential risks and whether French toast can fit into your dog’s diet.

What You Need to Know as an Owner

As a dog owner, and a Dad of small children, it’s not only important to me that I focus on what’s safe to share with our puppy Lucy, but also what’s safe for her to eat when nobody’s looking.

She’s a 1 year old Doodle, and to say her energy is high is an understatement. With small kids around, she’s always patrolling the floors underneath the table to see what kinds of scraps she can scavenge off the floor!

I was making French Toast for the family one day, and I knew that the dog would inevitably end up getting a piece of it one way or another, so I decided to do some research and find out what’s safe for next time.

french toast

Everyone loves French toast, there are many French Toast recipes out there to choose from – they are delicious, smells amazing and I can’t blame Lucy at all for wanting as much as she can get. What we want to get to the bottom of though is French Toast safe for dogs? Let’s talk about the potential risks and whether or not it’s good for the dog’s diet.

Let’s talk about French Toast Ingredients

French Toast is a breakfast treat that’s hard for anyone to pass up. It’s a simple dish made by dipping slices of bread into a mixture of eggs, milk or cream, vanilla and sugar and pan or griddle frying until it turns a beautiful golden brown color.

It’s a delicious treat for humans, but to our dogs, it might not be as good for them to consume, as it contains several ingredients that might not sit well with dogs. This is especially true if those are eaten in large quantities. As it turns out – “moderation in everything” is important to dogs as well.

Are Small Amounts ok?

As I mentioned with small kids at home, there’s always a solid chance that bits and pieces end up on the floor, and one or two small bites probably aren’t going to do damage, but it’s important to know that not all ingredients in French Toast are dog-safe. Keep in mind that extra ingredients like syrup, cinnamon, and sugar could lead to digestive issues like diarrhea, vomiting, and weight gain over time. Some longer term health risks are possible as well.

Make sure to consult with your veterinarian if you’re unsure, or if your dog has eaten more than a small quantities.

Watch Out For

There are specific ingredients that are ok for humans to eat, but are toxic to dogs. Maple syrup for example is delicious to put on top of warm steamy French Toast, however dogs cannot have large amounts of sugar like this. Additionally there are some artificial sweeteners like xylitol that can be extremely harmful to a dog’s health and need to be avoided at all costs.

According to the Pet Poison Helpline, even a small amount of xylitol can cause low blood sugar, which could be life-threatening for dogs.

Cinnamon is another ingredient to consider. A little cinnamon won’t hurt, but too much cinnamon could lead to problems. A perfect example of this is the variety of cinnamon that is found on grocery store shelves has high levels of coumarin, that if consumed in large amounts, can cause liver damage, and potentially liver disease in dogs. Even small amounts can cause an upset stomach or abdominal pain in our four-legged best friends – so it’s not a good idea.

Can our Canine Friends Benefit From the Nutritional Value of French Toast?

The short answer is no, not really. French toast itself doesn’t offer much in terms of nutritional benefits for dogs. While it contains eggs, which are a good source of protein, and maybe some milk, these ingredients are better suited to a dog-friendly recipe designed specifically for them.

Any small nutritional benefits are offset by the sugar, butter or other spices and cause potential health problems. Additionally, many dogs have a gluten sensitivity, so the bread could trigger allergic reactions as well.

Possible Risks of French Toast for Dogs?

One of the largest concerns about dogs eating French Toast is the possible presence of nutmeg, which is a highly popular ingredient, and in large doses can be toxic to dogs causing them difficulty breathing, and an increased heart rate. Small amounts should be avoided as well, as dogs are far more sensitive to it than their owners.

The sugar content for dogs in French Toast should be paid attention to as well. It’s a factor for humans and amplified in dogs. Too much sugar can cause obesity, diabetes, or digestive issues.

While a small piece might be ok from time-to-time, regularly giving your dog high-sugar items like French Toast should not be a part of the normal routine. In my house, we don’t give Lucy any scraps because we know at some point a small amount is going to hit the floor and be scarfed up before we can get to it, so that is her treat when it happens.

Canine Consumption – When is it safe?

My best advice for you here is that if you know what’s in it (meaning you made it at home, and didn’t bring it to-go from a restaurant), and it’s a small quantity most likely your dog is fine as long as it doesn’t have any of the toxic ingredients listed above.

It’s always better to offer dog-friendly treats instead. If you want to give your dog a special treat, there are plenty of dog-friendly recipes out there that mimic the flavors of French toast but are made with ingredients safe for your dog’s health.

Consulting your Vet –

Before changing or introducing a new food into your dog’s diet, it’s always best to consult with your vet. If your dog ate a large amount of French Toast, let your vet know so they can give you specific things to look for with your specific breed of dog.

According to PetMD, a common cause of digestive issues in dogs is the introduction of new foods too quickly or without guidance. French toast could cause a stomach upset if your dog isn’t used to it, so it’s better to be cautious.

The Bottom Line on French Toast for Dogs

All in all, while your dog will likely want to eat every piece of French Toast you make, it’s not something they should have regularly. As mentioned I avoid feeding the dog these items because we know there’s a good possibility of the dog getting some on her own.

Keep it to small amounts, and if your dog consumes xylitol or nutmeg, call your vet immediately to avoid digestive issues, or worse.

Check out the store!

While we want our dogs to experience all the great tastes that we do, it’s best to keep them healthy and make sure you’re sticking to dog food that’s specifically formulated to keep your pup healthy and happy.

If you have any doubts about the health of your dog, contact your veterinarian immediately.

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